Datalogger Specification:​

  1. Real-time monitoring reduces downtime.
  2. Helps to troubleshoot root cause.
  3. Can be monitored anywhere or from a centralized location.
  4. Analytics of solar vs. Grid \DG.
  5. Consumption patterns of premises.
  6. SMS Alert and Reporting.

ZED (Zero Export Device) Controller Specification: ​

  1. If solar capacity is higher & and installed without a net meter.
  2. Net metering takes 3-6 months time.
  3. Load is less during break time or holidays.
  4. Can’t export power to the grid without net metering.
  5. Chances of back feeding so as to avoid the ZED are required. 
  6. No need to wait till net metering.
  7. Sometimes Net metering is not applicable.
  8. Limited Export Facility.

PV-DG Controller Specification: ​

  1. .Protects DG from excess solar power.
  2. .Reduces fuel consumption UP TO 50%.
  3. .Maintains spinning reserve of DG.(25-30%).
  4. .To optimize solar generation while running with DG.
  5. .Avoids frequent DG tripping (with solar).
  6. .Usage of maximum green energy.