Master - Slave Controller

Enables centralized monitoring & controlling for multiple locations

  • What is Master Slave Controller?

    For Solar/Hybrid Power Plants installed across multiple buildings and wings, the SuryaLog Master-Slave Communication system ensures seamless data management. By installing multiple SuryaLog Devices, one acts as the Master Device, while others function as Slave or Sub-Master Devices. The Master Device communicates with Slave Devices in each wing, enabling centralized monitoring of wing-wise energy data.

    SuryaLog supports two Master-Slave communication types:
    ✔ Wired: Uses LAN, PLCC, and RS-485 for stable connectivity.
    ✔ Wireless: Utilizes LoRa Technology for long-range, interference-free data transmission.

    Additionally, a Fail-Safe Mode ensures uninterrupted operation in case of connectivity failure with the Master Device, enhancing system reliability. Optimize your solar plant monitoring with SuryaLog’s advanced Master-Slave Communication for efficient and centralized data access.

    Specifications & Features